The Southern Berkshire Public Health Collaborative strives to be sure that everyone has the access to vaccines that can help them be the healthiest version of themselves. This is done both through our annual mobile flu/COVID vaccine program as well as our childhood vaccination program where we provide a wide variety of vaccines to individuals 18 and younger.
Flu and COVID Vaccination
Southern Berkshire Public Health Collaborative was proud to provide flu and COVID clinics to residents in their 12-towns South County towns this fall. While our last clinic was in January, 2025, individuals can still schedule an in-office flu or COVID vaccine. To schedule a vaccine please call Jill at our new office in the Stockbridge Town Hall or have our public health nurse come to your home to provide an in-home by call or email Jill Sweet at 413 717 7209 or [email protected] to make an appointment.
Childhood Vaccination Provider
SBPHC is can also provide a wide range of vaccinations to individuals 18 or younger as a DPH Childhood Vaccine Provider at our office. Through this program, we provide Flu (6months+) and COVID (12+)Hep A, Hep B, Men ACWY, TDAP, MMR and Polio. Varicella and HPV may be offered in the future by request. To schedule a childhood vaccine, call or email Jill Sweet at 413 717 7209 or [email protected] to make an appointment.