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  • What is the Mission of SBPHC? To leverage partnerships in order to provide quality public health services that directly improve the health and well-being of the entire community.
  • What is the role of the SBPHC?  The role of the Southern Berkshire Public Health Collaborative is to help member communities meet minimum standards for public health as set forth by the Blueprint for Public Health Excellence, issued in 2019 by the Special Commission on Local and Regional Public Health.  All of our member towns receive comprehensive public health nursing services and access to programs such as our car seat fitting program, sharps disposal program and community health worker.  Other towns, such as Sandisfield and Mt Washinton, also received comprehensive agent services, and Sheffield uses shared staff to conduct food, housing and other inspections.
  • What Communities are served by SBPHC?  The SBPHC supports the Boards of Health in the towns of Alford, Great Barrington, Lee, Lenox, Monterey, Mt Washington, Otis, New Marlborough, Sandisfield, Sheffield, Stockbridge and Tyringham
  • What is the Organizational Structure of the SBPHC Board?  The SBPHC is comprised of a representative and an alternate from each member community.  The SBPHC Board meets quarterly, typically on the third Friday of the quarter, both in person and remotely via zoom.