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Housing / Lead Safety

The issue of lead safety in housing is of paramount concern. Lead exposure poses serious health risks, particularly to young children, and our department is dedicated to mitigating these dangers through stringent regulations and proactive measures.

In accordance with state and federal guidelines, Massachusetts enforces robust rules and regulations to ensure the prevention and remediation of lead hazards in residential properties. From rental units to owner-occupied homes, our mandates encompass everything from lead inspections and abatement procedures to education and outreach initiatives aimed at raising awareness among landlords, tenants, and homeowners.

Below are links to comprehensive information and resources designed to help you navigate the complexities of lead safety in housing. Whether you’re a property owner, tenant, or concerned community member, we’re committed to providing the information and support you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of lead exposure. Together, let’s create housing environments that are not only comfortable and affordable but also safe and free from lead hazards, ensuring the well-being of all who call Massachusetts home.

Links to Resources