Butternut Fire Mask and Emergency Notification Resources
Below is information for each town on how to register with each town’s emergency notification system as well as where masks are available for individuals who are at high risk due to ongoing smoke from the Butternut Fire. Official sources of information for this fire include www.townofgb.org and www.facebook.com/gbfiredept
- Mask Pickup Location: Alford Town Offices Lobby (Mon- Thurs, 8-1)
- COVID Test Pickup Location: Alford Town Hall Lobby (Mon- Thurs, 8-1)
- Emergency Notification System Signup: None- go to townofgb.org for fire info.
- Mask Pickup Location: Egremont Town Hall Lobby (Mon-Fri, 7am – 3pm)
- COVID Test Pickup Location: Egremont Town Hall Lobby (Mon-Fri, 7am – 3pm)
- Emergency Notification System Signup: https://www.egremont-ma.gov/list.aspx
- Mask Pickup Locations: Claire Teague Senior Center (Mon-Fri, 8:00 -3:30); Great Barrington Town Hall Lobby (Mon- Fri,8:30-4:00); Mason Library Lobby (Mon-Fri, 10-6 & Sat 10-3); Ramsdell Library (Mon- Fri 1-6pm, Sat 10 – 3pm and Sun 1-4pm)
- Code Red Sign Up: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BF02314B7158
- Mask Pickup Location: Tri-Town Health Dpt., 45 Railroad St, Lee (M-F, 8-4)
- COVID Test Kit Pickup Location: Tri-Town Health Dpt., 45 Railroad St, Lee (M-F, 8-4)
- Emergency Notification System Signup: https://www.lee.ma.us/subscribe or Text Alerts: Text “LEE” to (413) 462-9254
- Mask Pickup Location: Lenox Town Hall Lobby (M-F, 8:30-4)
- COVID Test Pickup Location: Lenox Town Hall Lobby (M-F, 8:30-4)
- Code Red Signup: https://www.townoflenox.com/home/pages/codered-latest-alerts
- Mask Pickup Location: Monterey Town Hall Lobby (M-F, 9-3)
- Code Red Signup: None- go to townofgb.org for fire information
- Mask Pickup Location: Mount Washington Town Hall (Mon 11-3 or Tues-9-3)
- COVID Test Pickup: Mount Washington Town Hall (Mon 11-3 or Tues-9-3)
- Town Alert Signup: https://mountwashington-ma.gov/sign-up-for-town-alerts
- Mask Pickup Location: New Marlborough Town Hall (M-F, 8-3)
- Code Red Signup: https://www.newmarlboroughma.gov/home/urgent-alerts/register-code-red-emergency-alerts
- Mask Pickup Location: Otis Town Hall (Mon- Thurs, 8-4)
- Code Red Signup: https://www.newmarlboroughma.gov/home/urgent-alerts/register-code-red-emergency-alerts (Print completed and email to town administrator)
- Mask Pickup Location: Sandisfield New Town Hall (M-W, 9-3)
- Code Red Signup: https://www.sandisfieldma.gov/ (Not working 11/21/24)
- Mask Pickup Location: Bushnell Sage Library (This week’s hours: Fri, 10-7; Sat 10-2, Sun 2-5, Tues-Weds 10-5)
- COVID Test Pickup Location: Bushnell Sage Library (This week’s hours: Fri, 10-7; Sat 10-2, Sun 2-5, Tues-Weds 10-5)
- Emergency Notification Signup: https://townofsheffield.portal.finalsiteconnect.com
- Mask Pickup Location: Stockbridge Town Hall Lobby (Ground Floor & 1st Floor) (Mon-Fri, 9-4)
- COVID Test Pickup Location: Stockbridge Town Hall Lobby (Ground Floor & 1st Floor) (Mon-Fri, 9-4)
- Code Red Signup: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BFE26C7D53F1
- Mask Pickup Location: Tyringham Town Hall Lobby (Mon – Thurs, 9-4) & Post Office Lobby (Mon-Fri, 9-2 & Sat 9-12)
- Town News/Alerts: https://www.tyringham-ma.gov/subscribe
What can you to protect yourself from smoke?
- Monitor your health symptoms and talk to your doctor about changes in breathing.
- Stay up to date with air quality alerts issued by AirNow.gov.
- Stay informed of the wildfire status by visiting townofgb.org, www.facebook.com/gbfiredept; or by signing up for your town’s reverse 911 system.
- Wear a KN-95 or K-95 mask outdoors during periods of poor air quality, especially if you are considered high risk. A list of local mask distribution sites can be found at http://www.southernberkshirehealth.com or by calling SBPHC at 413 243-5540 x109.
- Plan to move outdoor activities indoors during periods of poor air quality.
- Close windows and vents in homes and vehicles during periods of poor air quality.
- Use high-efficiency (HEPA) air filters in heating and cooling systems.